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Recompensating the 150 000+ Indigenous children victim to Canadian residential schools

Orange For Change

One Bracelet for Every Survivor. 

The need for Truth and Reconciliation 

These atrocities have remained behind the scenes for far too long. 

28 Indigenous communities still don't have clean drinking water in 2023

That is to say that one case of water in Indigenous communities costs 80+ dollars; the inflationary crisis makes it near impossible to afford basic necessities. 

There have been 6000+ missing and murdered Indigenous Women/girls (2016)

This is a rate 4.5% higher than all women in Canada. Even then, only 53% of murder cases involving Indigenous women have led to homicide charges. 

1 in 25 Indigenous students lost their life at residential schools. 

Cases of intergenerational trauma still persists, reflected in the mental health crisis, where only 2/3 Indigenous students have ever completed high school. 

The injustices faced by Indigenous peoples in Canada can never truly be expressed through statistics.
Orange for Change wants to make actual voices heard, and take actual, impactful steps towards greater understanding. 


Our Mission

Orange for Change understands that reconciliation and changing the system is complex, yet we will never stop pushing for a better one. We believe that the biggest problem in bringing justice to Indigenous peoples in Canada is community segregation, and we aim to shatter these barriers. 


Our mission at Orange for Change is to employ jewelry's value in advocacy to foster recognition for the atrocities facing Indigenous peoples in Canada. It is our goal to bring justice to those that fell victim to the Canadian government, as well as those who still fall victim to it now. We want to raise money, awareness, and a sense of connection in all Canadians, regardless of culture identity, because we are confident that as a force, we are able to make the change we need to see. 


All the proceeds from our handmade bracelet sales goes towards funding an Indigenous community where prices are unaffordable, and a quality education is largely unavailable. In hopes of recompensating the 150000+ Indigenous peoples victim to residential schools, we want to advocate for a better school system, and a better quality of life for our brothers and sisters. 


Join our Impact

Are you a student from any school in Ontario?


Become an executive partner and run your school's OFC jewelry pop-up during Truth and Reconciliation week:

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We shouldn't have to fight for something that is our number one right.

- Quannah Chasinghorse

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